Friday, October 10

Maize Maze

I never heard of a corn maze until I moved to the south.  I'm not saying they don't exist in California, just that I had never been to one.  There are actually 2 or 3 in our area, but the one closest to Cecilia is the best.  Heading down to the pumpkin farm and running the corn maze is an autumn tradition now, born not out of planning but out of genuine fondness.  Its the sort of thing we find ourselves looking forward to as autumn rolls in.

We had a big crew this year, what with all the significant others that have become parts of the family. There was Harper Ann and Luke

Tucker and Tanner

Bayley and Bobby

Apparently Tucker and Bayley have an affinity for alphabetical symmetry in relationships....  

Then there was Jeremy and I and my Mom and Dad.  This was their first corn maze adventure!  

There was hot apple cider consumed, pumpkin checkers and, of course, the maze-- all on the coldest day of autumn thus far (we even had our first fireplace fire of the season when we got back to Cecilia).  We had a blast.

This particular maze has a trivia component-- when we got our tickets, we chose a clue card.  At each station we had to answer the corresponding question to get directions (left or right mostly).  Despite being brilliant at trivia, we still got lost and ended up wandering around for a while lol.

It is a cash cow.  Just FYI.

What are your autumn traditions?

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  1. Oh my gosh, all those couples photos are so sweet. All of the pictures are beautiful actually. And you and your husband must have found the fountain of youth. I think you blend right in with the kids! I so love the pumpkin patch, but I haven't found one that I really like in our area. I don't like the ones that are packed with activities and things to buy. I like a good old-fashioned quiet patch where you just hunt for pumpkins (and a maze is fine too).

    1. I have good genes lol!
      This maze actually also has a haunted maze that they do at night, but that in no way will I attend! I hate being scared, but the kids think its a hoot--

    2. Those paired shots are just adorable! So great that you guys pull off these 'all family' outings. I love corn mazes, but this one is a step above anything I've tried out. Impressive!


Let me know what you think in the comments below-- and don't forget to leave a link back to your own blog or google+ page- I'd love to follow along on your adventures!